Monday 4 April 2016

The final product & Link Our Website (#SWITCH)


What is Switch anyway? 

In a nutshell, Switch is a virtual community that allows people to share their creative ideas which stem from particular trends that we create.

How do we tell people about #Switch?

We promote Switch by exploiting the most used and most common Social Networking sites namely Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can see this as per screenshots below. 

My Artwork #SWITCH


As the Art Director for group project, I am quite competent with design softwares like Adobe Photoshop. Having used the program for nearly a decade, I just went straight into it as I knew exactly what my group wanted, and so there wasn't much faffing around. 


Main (Black) Logo:



In the making...



Tutorial Video editing in progress. 


Draft 2: 

Hi, Welcome to Switch, Keep Switching

So how does it work?

For starters, Switch is a virtual community that allows people to share their creative ideas which stem from particular trends that we create.
To begin, create a new account by visiting our home page and click on the login/sign up button, it’ll only take a few seconds.
When you’ve created your account, visit our “trends” tab and choose from a variety of subjects and themes.
When you’ve found something you like, go ahead and let your imagination run wild…..

Why are you still here?....

Draft 1: 

Hi, Welcome to Switch,
A fun and interactive new way of sharing your ideas.
So how does it work?

For starters, Switch is a virtual community that allows people to share their creative ideas which stem from particular trends that we create.
To begin, create a new account by visiting our home page and click on the login/sign up button, it’ll only take a few seconds.
When you’ve created your account, visit our “trends” tab and choose from a variety of subjects and themes.
When you’ve found something you like, go ahead and let your imagination run wild…..
Why are you still here?....

My Role(s) in the Group

My roles in the Group are as followed:

Art Director - In this position, my duty will be the oversee the creative and technical procedures involved in making #Switch. As the Art Director, I will be responsible for creating most of the Artwork for #Switch, namely the Logo, Social Media Artwork, or any form of graphic design material representative of #Switch. 

Video Editor- As the video Editor, I will do exactly as the title suggests. I will be one the main video editors, and the person who is responsible for most, if not, all the video editing in the project.


Scriptwriter- Writing any material that's relevant to the project such as articles, scripts, voiceovers etc. 

HashTag Switch

Why Hashtag?......Why "Switch?"

One of the key things I've discovered about Media, especially Convergent Media is that nearly every form of media now is either web-based or has some affiliation to Web 2.0 and Social Media. 

Hashtags have become really popular (especially over the last 2-3 years), so popular that nearly all the main Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have endorsed this idea. Today we often associate them with trends or popular subjects. 

Facebook Trends...

Twitter Trends...

But wait...that still doesn't explain why Trends?

Well firstly...Trends or Trending topics are usually issues or topics that are relevant, popular or infamous and immediate. Convergent Media is all for these things and that is why we want our project to reflect those qualities because we want to create something that is keeping up with what's happening in the world. And this is exactly where the decision to call our project "Switch" came from since trends are constantly changing.  

Notes/Reflection (23/02/16)

Reflection (Feb 23, 2016)

After careful consideration and insightful feedback from our tutors, we've concluded that: 

-A points and rewards system isn't necessary because that shouldn't be the reason why people should be motivated to use #Switch.

-We need to be less controlling in the sense that we won't put the videos together as that may be too restrictive. Instead, we'll allow people to make their own videos because convergent media is more to do with allowing people to share their creative ideas. 

Dragon's Den Concept

How we want our Website to look like....

How the login/sign up page might look.  

 The news feeds page. 

We start a film, the fans finish it.  

The videos are selected by the fans through a voting system.

How the reward system might look like. 

We put the video(s) together.  

Like a jigsaw puzzle, everything eventually comes together - the final product. 

Inspiration, thoughts/ideas 11/02/2016

My thoughts (Feb 2016)

At this point I'm starting to get a much clearer understanding of what's required for this module. However, I still find it quite challenging because this module seems to be celebrate originality.

Now don't get me wrong I am all for innovation and authenticity, but to create something that is totally authentic, even if it stems from previous work and ideas, is still very difficult. 


I've looked at a few existing virtual communities and platforms that celebrate the idea of Participatory culture such as YouTube and HitRecord. These were the main sources for inspiration for my project. 

Why HitRecord and YouTube? 

These virtual communities celebrate the idea of Media Convergence and Participatory Culture. We want our project to emulate these qualities, and give users a platform where they can share their creative ideas and talents.

Undeveloped ideas and thoughts (Feb 2016) 

An interactive Website. 
5-10 minute episodes.

-We create a beginning, or end. 
-The Audience tells the rest of the story in the form of vines or 3 second videos. 
-They submit their videos ro us and then there's a selection process, gut we don't choose the videos, the fans do. 
-We implement a voting system for the videos. 

Tutor Feedback for Initial Ideas/thoughts

Feedback #1 for Initial Ideas. 

Initially I couldn't seem to grasp what was required from us a group, and more importantly, the concept of Convergent Media or Media Convergence. The notes I've written below, taken from a very early 1 to 1 I had with my course leader, is a testament to this:

-We need to look at how things have changed. How are people consuming Media today? People don't really sit on sofas to watch TV anymore; people consume their media through New Media technologies like Tablets and Smartphones.

-We need to have a focus, a theme that is based on a Social Issue perhaps.

-I need to focus more on the purpose or the objective and less about the Medium or platform.

Convergent Media (Initial Ideas)

Wiki Post: 

Our idea is to build an immersive, interactive new media platform that will incorporate a wide array of Media Technologies and resources, namely: moving image production, television, social media and video game design.

The aim of the project is to give the participant/audience a more exciting and refreshingly new way of experiencing seemingly regular everyday tasks like watching television. By incorporating a number of New Media technologies our idea will conform to the concepts of Henry Jenkin & Lev Manovich. 

Ideas for Convergent Media

1.      A simulation, a different way of experiencing moving image pieces, and done in such a way that it enables audience to determine how they want it to go.
-POV shots
-Make the actors talk to the person experiencing the film/scenario
-Different Genres such as action, comedy, documentary etc.
For example: Like video games- You pick a scenario and within that scenario you have the power to manipulate things such as time and space. Where you want to go? And what time?
2.      An interactive sofa/living room:
-In an installation dressed as a typical living room, with a TV and an interactive sofa, one that responds to whatever is being displayed on the screen.
-Mockumentary. Documenting everyday scenarios and exaggerating them, making them funny, and give the audience the ability to choose.

What to incorporate in the project?

Make the audience or the participant sign up on a website for the film experience thing. Then have someone escort them to the location.

Have a snapchat thing? So for example I could go into the installation room and snapchat the participants. Have them add this special snapchat account.