Monday 4 April 2016

HashTag Switch

Why Hashtag?......Why "Switch?"

One of the key things I've discovered about Media, especially Convergent Media is that nearly every form of media now is either web-based or has some affiliation to Web 2.0 and Social Media. 

Hashtags have become really popular (especially over the last 2-3 years), so popular that nearly all the main Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have endorsed this idea. Today we often associate them with trends or popular subjects. 

Facebook Trends...

Twitter Trends...

But wait...that still doesn't explain why Trends?

Well firstly...Trends or Trending topics are usually issues or topics that are relevant, popular or infamous and immediate. Convergent Media is all for these things and that is why we want our project to reflect those qualities because we want to create something that is keeping up with what's happening in the world. And this is exactly where the decision to call our project "Switch" came from since trends are constantly changing.  

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