Monday 4 April 2016

Inspiration, thoughts/ideas 11/02/2016

My thoughts (Feb 2016)

At this point I'm starting to get a much clearer understanding of what's required for this module. However, I still find it quite challenging because this module seems to be celebrate originality.

Now don't get me wrong I am all for innovation and authenticity, but to create something that is totally authentic, even if it stems from previous work and ideas, is still very difficult. 


I've looked at a few existing virtual communities and platforms that celebrate the idea of Participatory culture such as YouTube and HitRecord. These were the main sources for inspiration for my project. 

Why HitRecord and YouTube? 

These virtual communities celebrate the idea of Media Convergence and Participatory Culture. We want our project to emulate these qualities, and give users a platform where they can share their creative ideas and talents.

Undeveloped ideas and thoughts (Feb 2016) 

An interactive Website. 
5-10 minute episodes.

-We create a beginning, or end. 
-The Audience tells the rest of the story in the form of vines or 3 second videos. 
-They submit their videos ro us and then there's a selection process, gut we don't choose the videos, the fans do. 
-We implement a voting system for the videos. 

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